Colabrative projects with Trink
This file has moved to
moved again on 2023.07.15 to
moved 2023.02.11
Trink sync
2023.02.10 3pm PST 5pm CST - delay or reschedule
- brave talk - 5:56PM
- Monitor for trink and cat managed services
- services logs (plex servers)
- network, storage and compute health
- trink: firewall update
- cat: debating home assistant, new freenas, sort data, tuner channel mapps
- adb on FireTV
- Drives 7x4TB(free-oldgh), 1x4TB(op-usb), 1x4TB(cattvwin10), 1x3TB(free-cat) 2x3TB(tnas), 1x2TB(tnas), 1x2TB(free-toshiba), 2x2TB(nsDiskStation),
- ns 1TBssd 3x4TB pfsense truenas proxmox
- bg 4x4TB DS411
- backup google, amazon, apple, microsoft, github
- proxmox usb backup
- proxmox add usb drive
- win11 on proxmox to replace catwin10 at gh
2023.02.09 3pm PST 5pm CST - delay or reschedule
2023.02.08 3pm PST 5pm CST
2023.02.07 3pm PST 5pm CST
2023.02.06 3pm PST 5pm CST
2023.02.05 3pm PST 5pm CST
2023.02.04 3pm PST 5pm CST
- brave talk - created 4:55cst
- trink: Review trink helix testbench Demo?
- cat: verify trinkdvr and trinktnas
- CattvWin10:trinktnas plexlib on CattvWin10 N: SMB mount \\plexmedia which is \mnt\zpool-01\plexmedia\plexdvr\trinkdvr
- CattvWin10:trinktvDVR plexlib on CattvWin10 D:\trinktvDVR - physical harddrive
- CattvWin10:trinktvDVR recordings and future recordings are now on CattvWin10:trinknas
- I don’t see libs on Tri484 plex server
- moved “Ghosts” and “So Help Me Todd” shows to Tnasplex:catdvr
- Added both shows to Tnasplex ran into issue
- When I added Ghost, I did one eps, went back to change it to all and it would not let me, deleted and attempted to re-add and it gave me an error
- basically after I deleted it was still showing up in LiveTV guide when I attempted to add… probably cache issue ?
- log out and back in on plex server… and I was able to re-add
- had issue with tnasplex connection can get to it fine on local subnet
- firewall issues with plex in .2 subnet probably plex working on other ports on a session being blocked
- not going to mess with much more figure the only issue would be remote view of tuner… use cattvwin10 for that for now
- tbd
- cat: site maintaince schedule and checklist
- tbd
2023.02.03 3pm PST 5pm CST
2023.02.02 3pm PST 5pm CST
- brave talk
- Review trink helix testbench progress
- Chris:
finish USDA Survey, look at 1099 tax stuff
- Chris:
fix tnasplex permissions issue
- Chris:
test tnasplex dvr
- Chris: Document docker volume mappings with
tnasplex app and dockerplex
- added pshare user UID 1000 and pshare group GID 1000
- Use pshare user for smb login
- Add apps (UID 568) to pshare group (this alone did not do it for plex app)
- Changed plexmedia share to pshare owner and group
Added User apps (UID 568) Allow |
Special to plexmedia Dataset Permissions (this seemed to do it) |
- Chris: review ns, gs and cf documents and merge
- Chris: document theory of ip port / server stuff - netflix doing 30 day IP ‘sign-on’ per public IP
- Seems servers are not unique, it is the public IP and port response
- syncing info on each server to cloud and client… I think
- Chris: maybe setup win11 and ubuntu 22.04 on proxmox for gus remote testing
- Chris: update on HD mappings and 5G backup route
2023.02.01 3pm PST 5pm CST
2023.01.30 3pm PST 5pm CST
Trink think things to review
TrinkCat Remote DataCenter
- It seem with robot simulation, plex dvr and transcode, OpenCI object recon ML and general AI having a DC with gpu is worth the effort.
- ProxMox server with shared GPU machine is my suggestion. Proxmox vGPU Gaming Tutorial
- Plex DVR and Transcoding. There was about 30 stations
- Private network extensions to Trink and Cat home TV networks using pfSense.
- Remote rendering for robot simulations
- Remote GPU and stoarge for AI/ML
- Grasshorse has lots of robot and robot kits.
- They had a grant for protomotion - stop motion animation robots
- They have multiple robot kits: gantry robonova old school factory robot proto arms
- We chat about
- BruceE company to integrate sensors into ?
- MikeR did a lot of the embedded networking and they also did custom compilers for arm
Goal: Stable Plex server running in CF maintainable by mdt and cat.
Plex Rebuilds 2022.08.12-14
Synopsys –
Use Window 10/11 with i5+ gen 10+ machine and map storage over network.
One of the ongoing issues is plex clients asking for transcode when its not required.
Avoid Plex transcoding
Using GPU accelerated streaming
DVR recording takes very little cpu, but transcoding basically requries a gpu or lots of cores.
- macci - trink’s old mini after rebuild would only playback to portals (aka portal client can take original format)
- trintv - old admin2cld-win10 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz added trinks old video card and it could almost handle transcode to one web client
- HPi5 - Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1035G1 CPU @ 1.00GHz - laptop I’ve been using could almost handle 4 recording and playback HD streams to web clinets NOTE gen 10 so has GPU built in.
- catmini - i7
Robot Simulation
- Goal: Spider robot on table simulation running by both mdt and cat.
- Goal: Protomotion robot running simulation by both mdt and cat.
Ubuntu setup catUbuntuVM 20.04
ROS setup
- Setup ROS dev machine
- ROS distributions are linked to Ubuntu versions
- Ubuntu 20.04 -> Noetic
- Ubuntu 18.04 -> Melodic
- Ubuntu 16.04 -> Kinetic
- Add ROS packages
sudo apt update && sudo apt install curl gnupg2 lsb-release
- Add ROS repo key
sudo curl -sSL -o /usr/share/keyrings/ros-archive-keyring.gpg
- Add to package list
echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/ros-archive-keyring.gpg] $(source /etc/os-release && echo $UBUNTU_CODENAME) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros2.list > /dev/null
- Update Upgrade vm
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
- Install ROS desktop on catUbuntuVM desktop only
sudo apt install ros-foxy-desktop
- Install colcon
sudo apt install python3-colcon-common-extensions
- Add ROS to env
echo "source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
- Add ROS xacro on catUbuntuVM desktop only
sudo apt install ros-foxy-xacro ros-foxy-joint-state-publisher-gui
Demo Robot
Workspace setup and simulation
- Setup dev_ws for ROS Template and bot
- Create a directory dev_ws to use as a ROS workspace
- Ccreate a directory called src in dev_ws to put packages into
- Clone our package from GitHub into src
- Go back up to the workspace root and build it with colcon using the symlink-install
cat@catUbuntuVM:~/dev_ws$ mkdir src
cat@catUbuntuVM:~/dev_ws$ cd src/
cat@catUbuntuVM:~/dev_ws/src$ git clone
cat@catUbuntuVM:~/dev_ws/src$ ls
cat@catUbuntuVM:~/dev_ws/src$ cd ..
cat@catUbuntuVM:~/dev_ws$ colcon build --symlink-install
cat@catUbuntuVM:~/dev_ws$ source install/setup.bash
cat@catUbuntuVM:~/dev_ws$ ros2 launch articubot_one
cat@catUbuntuVM:~/dev_ws$ ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard
Next Project research